My cat, Meeko, wanted to share her New Year's resolutions with you:
Improve stalking technique - humans have caught on to my toe-nipping ways
Exercise more - try out that new cat toy the human was so excited about
Stop trying to catch the chipmunk through the protective glass shield
Don't automatically respond to the can opener when it's used - sometimes it's just tomatoes
Don't tease neighbour's dog through fence
Eat food from the bowl, not from the floor
Make sure my butt is inside the box when I use the litter
Stop staring down stairs to the dark basement with tail puffed up (especially when female human is home alone)
Stop batting small, shiny objects under fridge and stove
Don't climb Christmas tree or eat tinsel
Find out where humans hide the catnip
Not only did Violet resolve to do the last on the list, she learned how to open the drawer where I keep the packets.
I came home to a kitchen full of catnip and a house full of stoner cats.
That's one smart and determined cat you have, Devon. If there was such a thing as catnip for people (peoplenip?), I'm sure it would be illegal.
You say those are Meeko's resolutions, but I'm on to your ruse! (Good luck!)
You caught me, NT! Pretty funny to read the resolutions as if they're my own.
Aha, we thought a cat had to have a ghost writer for resolutions.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Misty/Jan, Meeko has learned a few tricks from hours spent hanging around my keyboard.
Beebs' (my cat) resolution for ought-eight: I will remember before racing pell-mell, head-first and at top speed at that interesting curtain hanging just at the north end of the living room that the dryer is behind it.
Great image, Angst.
Is it safe to say that the only one that had any hope of being kept is the very last one? ;-)
Probably, Tree Hugger, but she'll never be able to reach it even if she could open the door. We like to keep the catnip safe so she doesn't OD.
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