The dried food I buy for my cat is called Performatrin Ultra: Slim Care Formula. It's great stuff (my cat told me so). I recommended it to my parents for their overweight, grouchy as hell cat. Within weeks, not only had their cat regained her girlish figure, she positively purred (Note: they had been using a vet-recommended brand).
As I said, it's great stuff. Unfortunately, in my area, Performatrin can be purchased at only one store. The employees are friendly and knowledgeable, and the store is well-stocked, but I dread going there to buy the food.
Why? Because they have caged kittens and cats up for adoption--right there, at the front of the store. There's no way I can avoid their furry paws reaching through the mesh, nor can I resist their sad eyes and pitiful meows (it's a wonder I don't come home with a package of food under one arm and a cat under the other).
Anyway, tonight I noticed that I only had a bit of Performatrin left. I've thought about asking my husband to go to the store for me, but he'd probably look at me like I'd lost the final bolt that was holding my mind together.
Wish me luck--I'm going back to the store tomorrow.
Click here for more information about this great cat food (would my cat lie to you?)
Let me guess...Pet Valu?
I can't tell you how many times I've spent way too much time there telling myself that ol Nigel doesn't want another critter sharing his litter box and angling for good couch space. Tempting though...
Ding, ding, ding--give this woman a prize! Yes, it's Pet Valu. It's great that the store is trying to find the cats a home, but I'm almost crying by the time I come out. Orphaned fur balls can be so heartbreaking.
You know, if your hubby really loved you, he'd go for you. I mean, unless he really wants another cat or three. :)
Yes, I could use the old, "If I go, then you can count on another cat" excuse. To tell the truth--I love seeing and patting the cats, I just hate leaving them.
Lynne, my precious 17-year-old Calico, Jazzy, the last of two litter mates I adopted from the North Shore Animal League here in NY, passed away back in May of this year -- and I can't tell you how I dread even the thought of going near any shelter for cats.
So I know exactly how you feel. Those little sweethearts know EXACTLY how to make you fall in love with them, just by being THEM.
Jazzy's passing broke my heart completely in two, and there will NEVER, EVER be another little diva like her for me. That being said, I know eventually I won't be able to resist coming home with at least two litter mates from a shelter one day in the near future (it's always best that you adopt two, so they can keep each other company and never be bored).
I admit that I'm a *total* pushover for cats, so what can I say??
Georgie, I'm so sorry to hear about Jazzy. Although we never get over the heartbreak of losing a beloved pet, we can always make room for one more (or two more!)
The Cosmic Cat Roster in the sky is ticking, isn't it? Big Momma Goddess Cat knows it's only a matter of time before we all bring home some new family members, and she's shuffling through, checking the list . . .
Can you order the food directly from a pet site?
Can you order the food directly from a pet site?
Some (all?) of you are so technically savvy--ordering stuff online! I'd have to check out the manufacturer's website, Devon.
By the way, I've been busy gardening for the past few days, so haven't gone to the pet store yet. But I still have enough food for one more day.
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