So I'm walking along the path into my backyard, when I sense it. I stop just in time. A huge (and I mean huge) spider's web stretches from the deck railing to those once-lovely shasta daisies. I can't see the owner of the web, but I return with a broom to sweep the web aside. I do this for the next five days, wondering why the energetic spider continues to rebuild. I do feel guilty, but there is no other way into my yard.
Today, armed and ready with my broom, I finally spot the spider, smack-dab in the middle of his handiwork. By the time I return with my camera, he's taken refuge under the handrail. He's huge, so big that I'm not even sure you have to click on the photo to enlarge:
Now I'm afraid to go past the railing -- if he was able to jump all the way to the garden while spinning his web, he'd have no problem leaping out at me as I walk by.
I've emailed the photo to my daughter and husband, warning them about the hidden danger (and treasure) in our own backyard.
He would be quite welcome in my yard because of all the harmful insects he would eat.
Agree with Jan. Spiders get rid of a lot of the "peskier" insects. So I hope you'll reconsider, and give Spider Boy a break. (See, I've even named him for you.) :-)
Oh, I don't plan on killing the spider! Absolutely not. No, I just plan on avoiding him. It's his garden now (but if you want me to Fed Ex him to you, Jan, he's all yours).
Luckily for you, your instincts halted you before running into the web. I am never quite so lucky (or instinctual), and often wonder what onlookers across the street must be wondering when I suddenly turn into a flailing lunatic for no apparent reason.
I'd give a lot of money to see you flail your arms, NT! I admit, my instinct has failed me at times, and I've done some pretty serious arm-flailing, too. Until that happens again, my neighbours will have to be satisfied with me sweeping and jabbing my broom in front of me across the front path. What must they think?
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