So I'm walking along the path into my backyard, when I sense it. I stop just in time. A huge (and I mean huge) spider's web stretches from the deck railing to those once-lovely shasta daisies. I can't see the owner of the web, but I return with a broom to sweep the web aside. I do this for the next five days, wondering why the energetic spider continues to rebuild. I do feel guilty, but there is no other way into my yard.
Today, armed and ready with my broom, I finally spot the spider, smack-dab in the middle of his handiwork. By the time I return with my camera, he's taken refuge under the handrail. He's huge, so big that I'm not even sure you have to click on the photo to enlarge:
Now I'm afraid to go past the railing -- if he was able to jump all the way to the garden while spinning his web, he'd have no problem leaping out at me as I walk by.
I've emailed the photo to my daughter and husband, warning them about the hidden danger (and treasure) in our own backyard.