I called, and they advised me to bring him in and they could euthanize him. Uh ... no. Not knowing the extent of his injuries, I couldn't do that. So I drove home and placed him in my back garden. I gave him some water, cooked rice and sunflower seeds. I have no idea if any of that interests him, but I hope it will tide him over until I figure out what to do.
I might call the OSPCA because they do take in wildlife, but considering what's been happening there lately, they might be a little too busy (more on that in a later post, but you can read a bit about it in the May 2010 posts on my other blog.) When I went out to take this photo (click to enlarge), I frightened him, and he flew into the cedar hedge, then bounced off. At least he's able to fly now, so perhaps he just needs some time to rest.
Update: The investigators have taken the duck away. I do hope they find he's just a little dazed, and he'll soon be back with his family. Hmm ... I must find out how and where they release ducks after they've been rehabilitated. I suppose, with all his natural duck homing instincts, he shouldn't have a problem. Should he?
I'm staying tuned and hoping for a happy ending.
So am I, NT. He's been resting all day, but not eating or moving much. I've called the OSPCA -- they'll take him to the wildlife rehab for assessment. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Thanks for letting us know, Lynn. pray he/she is just winded and not seriously injured and rejoins his/her family soon!!!
And thanks for the complimentary coffee, this morn, Karla. I should rescue ducks every day.
Why as a society are we so quick to utter the word "euthanize"?? Jeez!
Good for you, Lyn. Hopefully, the little guy is feeling much better now and back to his normal self -- alive and well.
Georgie, if the emergency vet's casual use of "euthanize" bothers you, then my next post will make you positively ill -- it's not a pretty picture. I too hope the Mallard is alive and well.
Ducks are hardy creatures. One had an arrow shot through his neck at a local park and recovered after a few days of vet attention.
This is good to hear, Jan. Not the "arrow shot through the neck" part, but that they're "hardy creatures".
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