There are so many things wrong with the world. People starving, economy gone crazy, abused kids, war ... the list goes on and on. I wish I could change all that, but I can't. I can't even manage to put a dent in the amount of horrible things that happen to wildlife and pets, and there's plenty of that:
In Kelowna, British Columbia, the city's parks manager announced there will be a review of its "rabbit culling program". Why? Because an employee of the company contracted to eradicate the rabbits stomped a bunny to death when it didn't die after being shot by an air rifle.
Pesticides. Why do some homeowners believe lawns are more important than the health of our environment, wildlife and children? It's poison, people, and there are alternatives -- like getting down on your hands and knees, and digging out the darn weeds.
In the Northwest Territories, 44 dogs were left unattended by some idiot. They had to be euthanized. I can't even read the entire article, but if you're interested, you can read it here. I found it far too distressing.
I'm sorry for sharing this stuff with you, but I can't help but wonder how people can be so heartless and cruel?
And yet, it seems there's quite a controversy in the growing animal massage industry. Go figure.
Woman sues for right to massage horses
Amazing, NT. And to think it's okay for doctors, without any qualifications, to perform cosmetic surgery.
(I had meant to find you more happy pet/animal stories and got sidetracked by the bizarre "animal massage" angle.)
I know what you mean. It's hard to find upbeat stories, but i think the good outweighs the bad. The bad just gets the press.
NT, the horse massage article was a happy story (though not so happy for the woman who isn't allowed to give the massages). The image I have in my head is of a horse after a long day prancing around the field, sighing happily as his muscles are kneaded.
You're right, Jan. So it's up to us to find those upbeat stories. You do a darn good job on your own blog, and I do appreciate it.
There was a dog found in my neighborhood, and tons of people wrote in to the neighborhood forum, offering advice and assistance. The owner was located in record time. People care. It happens all the time. We just hear about the ugly stuff more. I'm right there with you: those stories break my heart and make me crazy mad every time.
You live in a neighbourhood that gets involved, Raggs, and it's marvelous that the dog found his home because it. What's just is nice is that you have a neighbourhood forum! How cool is that?
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