A few weeks ago, I noticed that my cat, Meeko, had an injury on her cheek -- it was a bit red and looked like it was scabbing over. I couldn't imagine how she'd gotten it, but would keep an eye on it just to make sure it healed properly. A few days later, I spotted this on my kitchen floor. At first, I thought it was a gruesome bug, but discovered it was actually a gruesome chunk of Meeko. She'd obviously scratched the scab out. If you're into skin and fur, you might want to click on the photo to enlarge:

That's one for the scrapbook, isn't it?
So I took Meeko to the vet. She was prescribed antibiotics (which I stopped giving to her because the medication did awful things to her digestive system). Anyway, today, this is the look Meeko is sporting:

It's hard to tell if the fur will grow back. Luckily, she's not the least bit vain.
UPDATE: Meeko's tiny bald spot has grown in quite nicely.
It's ok, Meeko. Chicks dig scars.
Lol, NT. That's cool as long as Meeko, a female, digs other chicks.
Poor Meeko, you could tell her it's a beauty mark.
I shall tell her so tonight, Jan.
I know how she felt. Scabs DO get so itchy! I think her beauty mark is lovely.
I shouldn't have been surprised to find the fur/skin combo on the floor, Karen, because you're right, scabs always get itchy. My big fear was that she would keep scratching it, so might end up wearing one of those cones.
Sometimes the hair does grow back on cats in bald patches, so take heart,Lynn. My late Calico, Jazzy, had a slight patch of hair that was rubbed away from a collar that was a little too tight (although I certainly didn't realize it at the time). And yes, after the scab wore away and the patch healed, the hair did grow back.
But as long as there is no infection in the area, Meeko is safe. Keep a close eye on this, though.
Good to know Jazzy's fur grew back, Georgie. I'm sure my cat's will as well.
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