Earlier this week, I received an email from Kim Hong writing for the Algonquin Hotel in New York, inviting Meeko and I to Matilda's 13th birthday party. Do you remember Matilda, the Algonquin cat? I wrote about her
here. Unfortunately, we're unable to attend the celebration, but I promised Kim to let you know about it.
Festivities, benefiting the North Shore Animal League America, will include:
North Shore’s Purrrrfect Company therapeutic cats, taking the day off from hospital and nursing home visits, to strut their stuff on the Algonquin Hotel’s “cat-walk.”
Meow-Wear outfitting Matilda’s friends in the latest teen-kitty couture for the cat fashion show.
The North Shore Animal League giving Matilda a special birthday gift of helping find homes for some of her feline and canine friends at their mobile adoption units outside of the hotel from 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
The Algonquin Hotel’s signature Matilda cocktail and a variety of special purrrr-tinis being sold to benefit North Shore Animal League.
The cat fashion show and birthday reception will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on August 7th. Attendees are requested to RSVP by calling 212-419-9197 or emailing matildaalgonquincat@algonquinhotel.com.
This is a worthy cause, and should be a lot of fun, so if you're in the area, why don't you and your furry friend(s) drop by?