November is going to be my "Write Like Mad" month, so posts on Animal Ovation may be few and far between. I haven't got a title for this new YA fantasy, and I do like having a title for my WIPs (even if it gets changed later on). Since I've not written anything except this blog for a year, knuckling down and working on the book will be...interesting.
Edited to add: I will be posting in November, but they'll most likely be tiny, mouse-sized posts.
Yay for book, boo for blog!
Thanks! Of course, I'll still try to make the rounds of my favourite blogs.
Good luck with NaNoWriMo! I'll be cheering for you.
Thanks, Brenda. Actually, I'm doing the at-home, Backspace version. To tell you the truth, I'm terrified that I'll end up sitting and looking at a blank screen for 30 days.
It'll be fun! Just write like crazy. If you get stuck, change the scene. I did NaNo two years ago. By the end of the 50,000 words, two people had changed names, one changed jobs three times, and a surprize romance came out of nowhere. I had zero plan or plot for this thing. Hey, it's a total mess, but I did it. I met my goal.
I think the main thing on a marathon like this is to not edit as you go. Push through it and then fix things later.
You've got a great idea to start with, and that is half the battle!
Thanks for the pep talk, Heidi. Yeah, that 'Don't edit as you go" thing is gonna be tough. I like checking through what I did the previous day before going on.
You write so much and so well, I can't imagine this is going to be that much of a challenge for you. Just remember that your faithful readers will be counting the days til you're back with us! Best of luck to you, and if you need some readers to test it out on, you know where to find us!
Good luck to you! Enjoy the process.
Thanks, Angst and Devon. And how sweet of you Angst--I may just take you up on that offer. And speaking of writing--what's happening with that wonderful story you posted the query for?
Yay, Lynn! Here's to Day 2 of Nano. I can't wait to hear more.
Thanks, Carolyn!
Work it, Lynn! Write, write, write like the wind! (From one who'll be trying her darnedest to follow your lead. :-))
You, go, girl.
Thank you, Georgie. I've not got off to a great start (only 2000 words in), but I'll guilt myself into writing more.
Hope you're able to keep the momentum going.
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