Until last year, Brazilian howler monkeys were believed to have been strictly vegetarian. That's when researchers spotted the primates investigating birds' nests and chicken coops. Although some of the howlers ate the eggs, most simply examined then returned them to the nest. Now, as interesting as the diet change is, I think it's even more interesting that the monkeys put the eggs back where they found them. I wouldn't have been surprised if the researchers reported that the monkeys tossed the eggs or played with them. Replacing them shows some kind of understanding and consideration I didn't expect. Perhaps by returning the eggs, the howlers were ensuring a new generation of egg-layers, and food for the future. Or maybe they were just being nice. Whole story
Or maybe the howler monkeys have some sort of simian OCD and have to replace things where they found them?
No doubt that monkeys are susceptible to the same modern day illnesses as us -- and they have even less control over what's happening around them. What's a monkey to do?
Obviously they have fussy children who won't eat eggs too!!!!
Scrambled, poached, omelet with wild herbs, over easy.... Too big a decision for these guys, and that's why they simply look, sniff, inspect -- then pass. :-)
Interesting story, Lynn. Thanks for sharing.
Now, that could be true, Karla, but they do eat their vegies!
Lol, Georgie. Poor things are stuck with the raw option because they haven't quite got the knack of lighting a fire yet.
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