My cat, Meeko, never really bothered with our old t.v. Every once in awhile, some movement on the screen might catch her eye, but she pretty much ignored it. That's all changed -- ever since we bought a plasma, Meeko's become addicted. I mean, we're wrestling her for the remote. She can become so wrapped up in a program, I'm almost afraid to change the channel. I feel guilty. Shouldn't I be encouraging her to go out and play ball hockey or something?
Ha ha ha Meeko's a couch catato!
This made me laugh out loud. Where does she hide the remote from you?
Well, Raggs, she's not terribly good at hiding. You know how cats often crawl under a blanket, their butts still visible, yet they believe no one can see them? She does the same thing with the remote.
(how about an update on your blog????)
We've noticed that my cat, Patrick, tries to paw his way into the screen -- whenever there's a high speed chase scene on TV.
He can be quite a "rogue" himself when it comes to hiding our eyeglasses, coins, pens, bottles of Liquid Paper...you name it. So, maybe it's the "criminal" side of him coming out whenever he sees a TV getaway scene. Who knows?? :-)
I know what you mean, Georgie. Nothing is safe from their batting paws.
Ha ha... my cat used to bat a bottle cap around while Rob was watching hockey on our old tv set.... may I suggest velcro for the remote....
Velcro might just work!
This made me snort and giggle out loud!
Glad you enjoyed, Heidi. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!
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