A robin built its nest in the crook of the downspout right outside our window, and my cat, Meeko, and I were excited -- we couldn't wait for the little guys to hatch. Unfortunately, even though the mother robin was attentive, there wasn't much she could do when a major rain storm took out parts of the nest. I searched the ground for the eggs, but they must have remained in their tattered home (I'm definitely not looking forward to taking down the nest).
The mother hung around for the next few days, peering over the edge of the roof, but, eventually, she abandoned the nest altogether. Meeko still looks out the window, expecting to see the robin. So do I.
Aw, and it looks like such a good, sheltered place for a nest!
That's what I thought too, NT, but there was such a downpour, the rain must have sloshed over from the eaves trough. That, combined with a great deal of wind ...
here's to hoping she'll try again!!!
I'm afraid she's off worm hunting for good now, Karla.
Hate to see Mama and babies separated like that. And it only goes to show how fortunate we as humans -- truly are.
Just imagine, if we had to leave our babies in perilous situations, every time we ran out for milk and Pampers at the local supermarket.
Wait a minute... I was watching Nancy Grace last night, and heard that a mother left her three children alone in a...oh, never mind.
Lol,. You're so cute, Georgie. I imagine some robins are far better parents than some humans.
So sorry about the robin, Lynn! We'll hope for a better outcome next year.
Right now, I have hummingbirds that must be the sumo wrestlers of their species. I'm refilling the feeder about every 15 minutes, I swear. What are they doing, bulking up for football season? Jeez!
I love hummingbirds, Raggs. I'll bet they've given your house a 5 star Michelin rating.
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