Every day, at 6:00 a.m., I drive to the local Starbucks to grab a coffee. I've been doing this for well over eight years, so am missing my morning routine while Starbucks undergoes renovations. In those wee hours, the town is quiet and the houses are dark -- the only movements are a few drivers making their way to work, and the wildlife making their way back home for the day.
One morning, as I drove along the road in front of the grocery store, a deer dashed out in front of me. I slammed on my brakes, and skidded to a halt only a few feet from him. He did a bit of a slip slide dance before racing off toward the parking lot. I kept thinking about him all day because I knew there was fencing all along the back of the store, barring his way to the forest.
Another morning, I noticed that the garbage can I'd put out front the night before was missing. I stood on the driveway for a moment, wondering who the heck would want to rip off a full can of garbage. It was a mystery that would be best solved after a coffee, so I hopped into my car and headed toward Starbucks. About ten houses down, I spotted my garbage can -- overturned, with bags ripped open and garbage strewn across the road. I picked up the slimy mess, shoved the can into my trunk, then took it back to my house. I envy the determination of the raccoon who rolled that garbage can down the street, and can only hope that the rewards were worth it.
So, what kind of Starbucks do you get every morning? Do you have a standard order, or do you mix it up?
ha ha, I know the answer to that one...
one grande sized House blend coffee every morning, right??!!
Oh, FYI apparently Pike Place is coming north of the border next month.... I'll keep you updated!!
Leesnest is right, NT. I'm just a regular grande mild. I hate change.
Okay, now I'm off to Google "Pike Place". Haven't the foggiest what that is.
On my way to work today, I nearly tangled horns with a ram! OK, it was a Dodge Ram that almost hit me in the misty dark...I just wanted an interaction with wildlife as cool as yours.
Lol, Raggs. Your Ram dodging would have had far more of an impact (for you) had you actually come into contact.
Thanks for giving me "cool" for these somewhat lame animal encounter stories. I wrote them without the benefits of a coffee.
I know how that feels!! I like your blog. Feel free to come by mine and leave a comment! Would you be interested in linking sites?
Raccoons are amazing. One broke into a friend's house one day by tearing her kitchen window screen, opened the cupboard and calmly at a box of Cheerios while she screamed and waved a broom at him. When he was done, he tossed the box onto the floor and sauntered back out the way he came in.
Where I live raccoons will indeed raid a garbage can (or two) as well as invite themselves in for a quick snack from your pantry.
And while they can truly be an annoyance along these lines -- I find them to be the cutest little critters around. Especially, the fact that they actually have thumbs like people.
Talk about weird and cute -- all at the same time.
Hi, Devon. Yes, I do believe raccoons have become far too comfortable around us. And that's okay -- as long as they're near folks who don't plan on harming them.
They are cute, Georgie. I remember my parents had a family of raccoons living under their deck. During the day, they'd visit the pool for a drink. I'm sure they're destructive, but then, so are humans.
Raccoons are such cute creatures until they show their true destructive colors.
Just like kids, eh, Jan? ;)
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