I'd like to think that people are, on the whole, a decent lot, but one only needs to read a newspaper to discover just how screwed up some folks are. In a Toronto off-leash park this past weekend, six dogs were poisoned with anti-freeze. Two are not expected to survive, and the others will most likely suffer lasting kidney damage. Police believe the poisonings may have been perpetrated by someone protesting the city's recent decision to continue allowing a large area of the park to be used specifically for off-leash dogs. They don't hold out much hope of finding the culprit.
On the news last night, one of the owners, while hugging her dying Golden Retriever, was interviewed. It was absolutely crushing to look into the eyes of that beautiful dog -- such sadness and fear.
I can't imagine what kind of sick person would do such a thing. It's bad enough dogs ingested the poison, but that same sweet-tasting anti-freeze is attractive to young children and wildlife. I hope they catch the bastard.
UPDATE: Two of the dogs have died, and many dead raccoons have been found in the park.