Garbage Bags and Bins
We used paper grocery bags for kitchen waste. Paper! There was no backyard composting, no green bins. Can you imagine the oily, mushy mess that must've leaked through? On garbage day, we put the seeping bags into the dented metal garbage can with the lid that never seemed to fit properly. We didn't have to worry about raccoons getting into our scraps -- they didn't live near us because we hadn't yet used up all their natural habitat. But the dogs ...
Dogs That Roamed Free
There were no poop and scoop laws. No leash laws. Our own dog was either in a fenced yard or on a leash, but most dogs in the neighbourhood were let out through the front door, free to do their business wherever they pleased. And if they fancied a little snack, they could always tuck into one of the easily accessed garbage buffets.
One Bathroom
We were a family of four, and had only one bathroom in the house. Now, I've a family of three and have four bathrooms. It does make life easier at times, but those toilets and sinks still have to be cleaned.
What changes have taken place since you were a kid?