When the digging began, I pictured the poor creatures being scooped up by the machinery, their homes and, most likely, their lives lost. Once I got that picture in my head, I couldn't get it out. So I thought I'd share my personal little nightmare with you. There's nothing we can do about this as we have to maintain the infrastructure, and build new homes. One thing we can do is make our own backyards and gardens more inviting to some creatures. Something to think about.
And here's a piece of trivia for you: pictured above is Yonge Street which used to be known as the "longest street in the world", but lost that distinction due to a technicality. The street is about 1,900 km (1,200 miles) long, and runs from Toronto to the Ontario-Minnesota border. Just thought I'd pass that on, in case you're asked that question while playing an old game of Trivia Pursuit.