An officer dropped off a live trap in the afternoon with instructions to trap it between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00 when the centre was open. The cat visited us around 4:30 yesterday afternoon -- too late to take it in. This morning, I baited the trap and set it out where I'd previously fed the stray. He (I'm not exactly sure if it is a he or a she) came at 8:00 a.m. Despite the enticing aroma of food, he didn't fall for the trap. Instead, he rubbed up against me, letting me pat him. This was good news regarding his "adoptability" -- friendly, affectionate, but may have some trust issues considering what happened next.
I ran downstairs, grabbed my own cat's carrier and put food in it. He may have been wary of the metal trap, but he walked right into the plastic carrier. He meowed, loudly and piteously, for the entire 20 minute ride to the OSPCA. But now he's safe -- he'll be checked over, given a flea treatment, then put up for adoption. Of course, I cried after dropping him off. I want only the best for him, but I also want the local wildlife to be given a better chance at survival. I'll try to follow his progress, and give you updates.
Thanks to all for your advice!